Descarga branca cremosa ou leitosa: o que significa?
A descarga leitosa branca ou a descarga cremosa branca é completamente normal e ajuda a manter os tecidos vaginais saudáveis e livres de infecções. A secreção leitosa normal da vagina muda de consistência durante o período menstrual e não tem odor. O corrimento vaginal pode variar de claro e aguado durante a ovulação a branco leitoso e pegajoso em outros momentos. A gravidez e a excitação sexual também podem causar um aumento na secreção branca.
Qualquer tipo de alteração na consistência, cor e cheiro da secreção leitosa da vagina pode ser um sinal de infecção vaginal. Por exemplo, infecções fúngicas e bacterianas podem fazer com que a descarga leitosa branca fique amarela, verde ou marrom. Em alguns casos, a descarga cremosa branca pode se tornar irregular se houver uma infecção por fungos na vagina. O corrimento vaginal anormal é muitas vezes acompanhado por um odor forte, coceira, dor e inchaço ao redor dos lábios .
Neste artigo, você aprenderá por que o corrimento vaginal normal tem uma cor branca leitosa. Você também descobrirá quando a descarga cremosa branca é um sinal de uma infecção que requer tratamento com remédios caseiros ou medicamentos de um médico.
Por que há branco leitoso ou descarga cremosa?
Uma vagina saudável excreta uma secreção leitosa branca que pode mudar durante o ciclo menstrual mensal. Enquanto não houver odor e você não tiver sintomas como dor, área vaginal com coceira ou vermelhidão e inchaço, você não tem motivo para preocupação.
De acordo com médicos da Mayo Clinic , a descarga leitosa branca é uma combinação de fluido (muco) e células. A função da descarga esbranquiçada é proteger sua vagina da irritação e infecção. Corrimento vaginal normal não tem odor. A quantidade, a consistência e a cor do corrimento vaginal podem variar de um líquido aquoso fino e transparente a uma secreção branca espessa e cremosa com uma sensação pegajosa. 1
Causas da descarga leitosa ou cremosa
Primeiro de tudo, vamos olhar para as causas de corrimento vaginal branco leitoso ou cremoso normal.
Durante a ovulação, o colo do útero produz muco que é de consistência e cor de clara de ovo. Isso ajuda o esperma a encontrar o óvulo para a concepção e pode ser um sinal quando você está mais fértil.
A American Pregnancy Association, diz que um aumento nos níveis de hormônio estrogênio faz com que a descarga da ovulação leitosa ou cremosa . Isso também é chamado de muco cervical de clara de ovo , ou EWCM para breve. Esta descarga pegajosa clara e esbranquiçada cria o ambiente perfeito para a concepção. 2
Se você notar que regularmente tem uma descarga branca leitosa pálida em torno de 12 a 14 dias antes do período menstrual , isso pode ser apenas um sinal de que você está ovulando.
Um sinal precoce de gravidez é uma secreção branca leitosa da sua vagina. Durante esse período, você também pode notar manchas antes de menstruar e ter cólicas abdominais ( cãibras de implante ), que às vezes são confundidas com cólicas menstruais .
A Dra. Trina Pagano, da WebMD, diz que a descarga leitosa branca ocorre porque as paredes da vagina engrossam em preparação para a gravidez. 3
During the whole course of your pregnancy, you will probably have white vaginal discharge. This is called leukorrhea and is completely normal during pregnancy. The website, says that the discharge is caused by the mucous membrane being more active during pregnancy. The white discharge usually starts from your second trimester and gradually gets thicker in consistency (creamy discharge) as your pregnancy progresses. The purpose of the thick creamy discharge is to protect your vagina from infection.4
If you notice changes in the color or smell of the discharge – for example, if the discharge turns from white to brown, green, or yellow, you should talk with your healthcare advisor. However, the American Pregnancy Association says that some light spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is normal.5
Another reason for experiencing a white creamy discharge is being under extreme emotional or psychological stress. Although it’s not known exactly why the creamy discharge happens, scientists have linked psychological distress with an increase in white vaginal mucus production.
A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology reported that psychological pathways can affect the reproductive system of some women. In the study, one-third of women examined, attributed their discharge to stress and anxiety.6Although the study mentioned that there could be other factors causing the white discharge, they said that more research needs to be done on the link between stress and vaginal health.
Another way that stress can affect your body is by releasing hormones which can affect your immune system and interfere with your menstrual cycle. These factors could all combine to disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in your vagina and cause thick milky discharge.
If you would like to find some natural ways to relieve stress, then please read my articles on natural remedies for anxiety and stress and the best essential oils for anxiety and stress.
Women who are in the perimenopausal stage of life (the time leading up to the menopause) may experience irregular vaginal discharge. This is because of changes in hormone levels and irregular periods.
According to Dr. Jack D. Sobel, a professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine, women who are menopausal usually only have very minimal discharge.7More often than not, yellow-white vaginal discharge in the menopause is as a result of an infection.8
Menstrual cycle
If you notice occasional white creamy or milky discharge before or after your period, then it could just be part of your regular menstrual cycle. Doctors from the Palo Alto Medical Foundation say that creamy white discharge is common at the start and end of your menstrual cycle.13
The best way to know if the thick white discharge is normal for you is to regularly monitor and observe your monthly cycle.
Infections that Cause White Creamy Discharge
Abnormal white milky discharge may have a consistency like cottage cheese, change color, or have a strong odor. Here are common reasons for irregular white discharge.
Yeast infection
A white lumpy creamy discharge with no odor is one of the symptoms of Candidiasis, one of the most common types of vaginal infections. Candidiasis is caused by an overgrowth of the Candida fungus that naturally occurs in the vagina. Along with the thick white creamy discharge, you may have vaginal itching and burning in the vulva and notice swelling around the vulva.
Doctors at WebMD say that factors that can cause candida fungus to overgrow are using antibiotics, having high estrogen levels, diabetes, a poor immune system, or being overweight. The yeast infection results in white, clumpy odorless discharge from the vagina. This is more likely to occur just before your menstrual period.9
There are many natural home remedies to get rid of a yeast infection. For example, coconut oil contains antifungal properties that can help to reduce the number of fungi. Another natural remedy for Candidiasis is apple cider vinegar. The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar help to balance the pH levels in the vagina and reduce itching. Also consuming yogurt containing live bacteria can help to restore the normal bacteria balance in the body and treat vaginal yeast infections.
Bacterial infection
If the delicate balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted, you could develop bacterial vaginosis (BV) which produces a milky discharge with a strong odor. There can be a number of reasons why you get bacterial vaginosis. This could be caused by over-washing the genital area, using bubble bath, or have recently changed your sexual partner.
According to Dr. Tim Kenny on, bacterial vaginosis will produce a whitish-gray colored discharge with a fishy smell.10 You may have a lot of this discharge and the infection could cause vaginal burning.
Bacterial infections with painful milky-grey discharge could also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause vaginal discharge and a burning sensation when you urinate.
You can treat mild cases of bacterial vaginosis at home. Some of the best natural treatments for BV are probiotics to boost vaginal health, tea tree oil to kill off the harmful bacteria causing the discharge, or coconut oil for its antibacterial properties.
Frequently Asked Questions About White Creamy or Milky Discharge
Because discharge that is white and creamy or milky is very common and has many reasons, here are answers to many questions about white creamy discharge.
Does white milky discharge have an odor?
Usually Not. Creamy or milky white discharge shouldn’t have a distinct odor, even if it is caused by a yeast infection. Doctors from the National Health Service say that normal discharge is clear or white and isn’t smelly. However if you notice discharge that has a distinct smell and is thick white or yellowish, this is probably a sign of a bacterial infection.
Why do I have excessive white clumpy discharge?
If you have excessive white clumpy discharge, there are a number of conditions that can cause it. For example, as already mentioned above, yeast infections can cause thick white discharge that looks like cottage cheese.
However, some women experience white heavy thick discharge without infections. Doctors from The National Health Service say that you may experience heavier discharge during pregnancy, if you are sexually active, or are using birth control.11
Is white creamy or milky discharge before period normal?
Yes. Many women experience white creamy or milky discharge before their period. According to The Palo Alto Medical Foundation, before ovulation your body produces a lot of cervical mucus. This discharge tends to become thicker if you didn’t conceive and you may notice thick whitish discharge on your underwear.13
Is creamy white or milky discharge after period normal?
Yes, it is. Many physicians say that some women experience white creamy or milky discharge after period as part of normal hormonal shifts.
However, if you have a bacterial infection, Dr. Mary Harding says that white discharge caused by bacterial vaginosis will be heavier and thicker just after your period.14 If you notice a thick clumpy white discharge, then it could also be a sign of a yeast infection.
What does white creamy discharge after sex mean?
There might be some situations when you notice creamy or milky white discharge after having sex. For example, Dr. Cynthia White on MedlinePlus says that sexual arousal can increase the amount of mucus your cervix excretes.15 However, if you have a bacterial infection, you may notice heavier white discharge after sex.10
Is white creamy or milky discharge normal during pregnancy?
Yes. It is completely normal to have creamy white discharge during your pregnancy. According to the National Health Service, during the last week of pregnancy your discharge will become much thicker and you may also notice some blood in the thick white mucus. This happens as the mucus from your cervix comes away in preparation for giving birth.16
When to See a Doctor about Milky Discharge
White vaginal discharge is normal in women and it is necessary for a healthy vagina. Abnormal discharge is a discharge that is brown, green, yellow, or cloudy and has a strong odor. Also, abnormal white odorless discharge is thick and clumpy like cottage cheese.
You should see your doctor if you have the following symptoms along with your vaginal discharge:
- The discharge is any color other than white.
- You have itching and/or swelling around the vulva, labia, or vaginal opening.
- Your discharge has a strong smell.
- You have pain in the vagina and/or painful sexual intercourse.
- A burning sensation when urinating.
Read my other related articles
1. The Top 9 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
2. How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor: The Best Natural Remedies
3. The Best Foods To Improve Your Vaginal Health
4. Swollen Vaginal Area: Causes and Natural Treatments
5. The Top 10 Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching